
We got your Back Kristen!

Disclaimer: Picture is not mine.

Campy X-Ray, Sils Maria, Anesthesia, Equals and American Ultra. The Big Shoe and Snow White and the Huntsman 2.

Kristen will be rocking cinemas on 2014. This is good news! You know the bad news? People focusing on other things like how long Kristen is going to shoot in New York City and if Rob is going to be there. People focusing on rumors about secret meet-ups or whether Kristen is pregnant or not. People keeping on wondering whether Rob and Kristen are still together or not.

For the record, I don't care whether anyone thinks they are together or not. The truth is, I don't know shit either so we're on equal grounds here. No. I'm not a 'doubter'. I just refuse to focus on her personal business including her romantic life. And no. It doesn't make me a bad fan. In my book, I'm a pretty good fan because instead of focusing on her private life - which she is fiercely protective of and something I, admittedly, know nothing about - I'm directing the majority of my attention on her upcoming films and projects.

So here's what I am proposing to everyone: Instead of reading tabloids to understand the nature of her relationship with everyone (may it be Robert, Nicole, Katy Perry or whoever), or speculating about things that we'll never know and imposing our wants and needs on Kristen, create a buzz about her upcoming films. These tabloids are feeding on what is popular. And in case you haven't noticed, hating Kristen is considered popular and cool. Just check @scottEweinberg's tweets. It's cool to make fun of Kristen Stewart. But God forbid you contradict this comedian or he'll tell you to fuck off. (Don't say I didn't warn you...)

We've tried to talk down haters, dissuade them, make them guilty for being so rude, and even fought with them. If there's something I realized with my interactions with these people whenever they visit my mentions when I'm on twitter, it is that they love hating Kristen. When it comes to hateful fans, they dislike (bit of an understatement here) Kristen more than they support Robert. It's not a hobby they'll be giving up soon. It's not something we can change their minds about. Remember that film The Bling Ring? Remember when Marc said, probably, the problem is that after almost being caught, nothing happened to them? And that gave Rebecca a boost, like she can get away with anything. A boost that she projected on Marc, making him think that what they were doing is okay. That's how I see haters. Poop and those haters pestering people on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr get away with it. No sanctions, no nothing. And it makes fans think that it's okay. It makes people who hate other people think that it's not so bad to be an anonymous hater. That we can get away with hating. We see people in the internet indirectly promoting bullying and hate whilst poorly disguising it as them 'just stating their opinions'.

They're the figurative brick wall. We're hitting a brick wall trying to talk some sense into them. So don't. Instead, find another way in. Unlike some fans, who stopped being a fan after Twilight ended or because the haters are just too annoying, there are some of us, who refuse to give up the leisure of sending our harmless support to Kristen just because Anny Packer and Co. likes to make us look stupid for actually having the nerve to support Kristen. *Gasp!* I know, it's like that Queen Bee thing at school. My point is, if you can't stop people from hating, then make sure that your shouts of praises and excitement for Kristen's upcoming films are as loud - if not louder - than the haters' malicious and vile words.

I'm not asking you to stop tweeting or talking about the past. I'm just encouraging you to look forward and support your favorite actors. My support for Kristen does not rely on who she is/is not dating. The people she hangs out with does not affect my admiration for her too. I am aware that she is living her life the way she wants too just like I am living my life outside of Twitter and Tumblr, the way I want to. But once films and other projects are in, I'm here to support her. Like Henny always say, Fangirl Hard or Go Home.

P.S. People magazine write stories about something as mundane as Kristen and Robert driving on separate vehicles but they won't write shit about how she's been recently cast in American Ultra. That obvious lack of objectivity is ringing some bells, no?