
Something to Think About: Why do Nonstens create Hate Accounts and Stalk Kristen's Family and Friends?

Jimmy is Kristen Stewart's rumored IG account
Not long ago, it was rumored that Kristen Stewart has an Instagram account. According to some fans, she is Jimmy in Instagram and her user name is pfffftuhsuh.The account is locked so there is no finding out if it was Kristen at all. It was just that. A rumor.

Regardless of the validity of the speculation, some fans were excited every time Jimmy comments on one of Kristen's friend's IG accounts. Neither does the lack of confirmation deter Nonstens 1 from leaving vile and - sometimes - malicious comments especially whenever they see Jimmy commenting on a certain picture. Jimmy is not even confirmed as Kristen's IG account. Sometimes, I think Nonstens are just hating for the sake of hating her.

The picture above shows a Nonsten commenting maliciously right after Jimmy commented on one of Kristen's friend's picture. It says:

"She know how to make easy money with directors of course not  hard to guess what she is sucking and hurt her knees!!!

But this incident is not the first. Poopscoopstew and several nonsten accounts (including a fake Rupert account) has been leaving vile comments on Kristen's friends and family's social networking accounts way before the Jimmy rumors even started.

Now, I know that some fans are out of line at times too. Some of them leave comments regarding Robert and Kristen which is just rude because these people are Kristen's friends. Their lives do not revolve around Kristen and/or her romantic life. More importantly, they do not spend their days waiting for anyone to ask them to please forward their messages to Kristen and - sometimes - to Rob as well.

In spite of all this, I think these fans' comments are pretty tamed compared to those Nonstens' comments. These fans might be overzealous at times but at least you'll never catch them making the following comments:

rupert_m_sanders: "@ho11ywoo1f @pfffftuhsuh Is this a portrait of you and your sister? Because she really was quite the little devil in bed."
poopscooptew: "@pfffftuhsuh  Bbgurl #KrisbianRodentArmy know @lanegarrison9 romancing U but #IHaveAWorry abt his violent past,,, only let him beat UR biscuit OK 8=====D"

*Also, recently, @diorrob2013 and @out_backer wreaked havoc on CJ's IG account (another friend of Kristen) after CJ posted the picture below. If my memory serves me right, diorrob2013 said that Bee is Dior's symbol or something like that. And being that Rob is the current face of Dior's fragrance, diorrob2013 took it upon him/herself to assume that CJ meant to insult Rob with this picture. Although their comments were already removed, some comments in reply to them can still be seen on CJ's account.

 The comment below is one of the comments in response to diorrob:

With that said, my point is really simple. 

1) It is not your relationship so please stop obsessing over it. Nonstens go on and on about Kristen breaking Rob's heart so they feel the need to be rude to Kristen, her fans and the shippers who think Rob and Kristen are still together. But leaving comments like the ones above on her family and friends' social networking accounts are not going to do anything more than spread ignorant hate. I say 'ignorant' because at the end of the day, no matter how much you think you know what went on, you don't. Nobody knows aside from the people involved. What you think you know is just a theory based on hearsay and pictures that, over time, you started passing off as truth. Do not confuse your opinion with the truth. 

At the same time, people should stop asking Kristen's friends if she's still dating Robert or ask them to please forward their messages for them. 

2) You are giving his fan base a bad name.Some of his fans are supportive of him, whether or not they approve of his personal decisions. But the Robsessed Nonstens are really loud about their hating. People say some Kristen fans can just be as hateful. And maybe they are. But as I see it, if Rob fans did not start hating Kristen from the time Twilight started (at that time she was only 17. Now, she's 23 and the hate is still going on), some Kristen fans that I know of wouldn't even feel the need to defend Kristen and, in turn, direct their hate towards Rob, his fan base or both Rob and his fan base. It's not nice and it's not something to be proud of. Some will even say that they are just fueling the fire of hate between the two fan bases. But understand that one can only stay silent for long until the hate surrounding him/her becomes frustrating. It's not an excuse; I just hope people would understand where Kristen fans are coming from.

3) I am one of the people who is happy for and supports Kristen. Regardless of who committed what mistake, I believe that mistakes should not define us. Neither should it hinder us from achieving happiness. If that is the case, then no one would ever be happy because we are all vulnerable to mistakes. All of us. Even those who are so quick to criticize Kristen for everything she does. 

Just think about it.

1 Nonstens are what people in the fandom would call someone who is a fan of Rob but hates Kristen. Sometimes, myself and a few others use it as a general term for anyone who hates Kristen. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the inconvenience, I had to alter the Comments setting and in doing so, some comments were removed. Feel free to post them once again.


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